Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to a camera

Well, it happened. I finally finished off my Nikon S3. It was such a great camera. It accompanied me all through South America, Bali, Hong Kong, China, Honduras, and everywhere in between. I loved the pictures it took, and the fact that it fit into even my smallest purse. I'll be the first to admit that I abused the camera. It was always in my camelback during mountain biking and in my front pocket skiing. I rarely ever missed a photo opportunity, and knew just what buttons to push to get exactly the shot I wanted. What finally killed it? Moisture. No, I didn't drop it in a puddle. I just took a picture (or four) while I was standing under a water fall. They weren't even great pictures because there was so much moisture on the lens. Now, if I had been camara savvy, I would have stopped taking pictures, gone home, taken out the batteries, and let the camera dry for a couple of days. I didn't, and I fried my camera. :( So, I apologize, that my last Honduras post, will not be accompanied by any pictures.

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