Thursday, July 24, 2008

Uxmal to Chichen Itza

After a couple of detours . . .

Rod and I made it to Chichen Itza. Even though it isn't much of a town, we decided to stay there to get an early start to the ruins.

The next morning, we were the second car in line when the gates opened. We were the first people at the pyramid and were lucky enough to get photos without herds of people in front of it.

This ruins site was really spread out and had some really cool features. According to the guide book, this is one of the few Mayan sites that has non-Mayan architecture. There is a long road to a sacred cenote where human sacrifices took place, a huge (muddy) ball court, the Palace of A Thousand Warriors (with a thousand columns),
the church, the castle, and an observatory. The carvings were incredible. There was one building with a different skull carved in each stone to symbolize the lives of the enemies they had conquered. It was not our favorite site, too many tourists, but it is easy to see why it is one of the most popular ruin sites.

We were finished exploring right as it started raining. It was warm enough, though, that we went for a swim anyway in a very cool with natural underwater tunnels.

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