Monday, March 27, 2006

Day 59 - Sacred Valley (Pisaq and Ollantaytambo)

Cusco is surrounded by some really amazing Incan ruins. On my way to MachuPicchu, I visited two of the sites located in Sacred Valley, Pisaq and Ollantatayambo. The structures are amazing and have weathered well.

Pisaq is a terraced mountain with incredible views of the Rio Urubamba Valley. Ollanta is an Incan temple at the top of a mountain and was used as a fortress after the Spanish conquests. It has impressive walls made of gigantic stones that had to be both carried across a river and hauled up the side of the mountain.

The Incans were so advanced, I can´t help but wonder how different life would be today if they hadn´t been conquered by the Spaniards and degraded by the catholics. For example, the Incans knew how to create earthquake-proof buildings, move rivers, and move gigantic rocks for their temples. The precision with which they were able to measure distances is unbelievable (Cusco, Pisaq, and one other Incan site are exactly 33 km from each other forming a perfect triangle with huge mountains between them). Their calendar is so precise. I am really intriqued by the Incan culture and definitely plan on learning more.

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