Sunday, March 09, 2008

Honduras . . . Here I come

I have been so incredibly busy with work and wedding planning lately, I can't wait to have 10 whole days to do neither. I don't usually plan out my trips, but I usually go for more time too. Here is a rough outline of my intended itinerary:
Day 1: Arrive in San Pedro Sula, immediately catch bus to Copan.
Day 2: Check out Copan in the morning, catch late bus to Tela.
Day 3: Enjoy beach in Tela, find was to La Ceiba to search out Regina.
Day 4: Check out Regina's place
Day 5: Who knows? At some point in time, catch a flight to Roatan. Spend several days relaxings, soaking up sun, and diving, diving, diving.

Return to Salt Lake.


Map from Lonely Planet


Mindy said...

i can't wait to hear all aobut your trip! you needed this sooo bad!
love you sis,

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm commenting!